What is
There’s nothing new about “Story Selling”, and yet Harvard Business Review called it the latest “strategic business tool” for making your brand and message break through the clutter of social media and digital marketing.
It takes a unique media approach to break through today’s hurricane of media clutter and distraction. Branded media that tells a story and touches authentic emotions are todays secret weapons in the digital impression wars.
ZapPictures offers turn-key solutions to help your message punch through. Our work has been seen theatrically, and on networks ranging from HBO, Showtime, The Sundance Channel & Discovery to ABC Family & The Disney Channel.
“The study found that, regardless of the content of the ad, the STRUCTURE of that content predicted its success. “People are attracted to stories because we’re social creatures and we relate to other people.”
Harvard Business Review
There’s nothing new about “Story Selling”, and yet Harvard Business Review called it the latest “strategic business tool” for making your brand and message break through the clutter of social media and digital marketing.
It takes a unique media approach to break through today’s hurricane of media clutter and distraction. Branded media that tells a story and touches authentic emotions are todays secret weapons in the digital impression wars.
ZapPictures offers turn-key solutions to help your message punch through. Our work has been seen theatrically, and on networks ranging from HBO, Showtime, The Sundance Channel & Discovery to ABC Family & The Disney Channel.